Searchable Dynamic WYSWYG Web Editor

Developing Chrome Extension

I am also deeply interested in entrepreneurship. Drawing inspiration from the search functionality of social media platforms and the sleek design of Notion, I embarked on a journey to conceptualize the next-generation web editor. My idea was to integrate the seamless search experience found in prominent search engines into an open-source web editor. I envisioned a platform where users could effortlessly incorporate diverse content topics, ranging from stocks to polls, expanding beyond the confines of images and videos. To materialize this vision, I leveraged Figma and Framer front-end design tools to create a service demonstration video.

In addition, I developed a Chrome Extension based on Vanilla JS, enabling anyone to easily source news, products, and more as content topics and share them on community websites. This extension aimed to democratize content creation and make it accessible to a wider audience. As a result of these efforts, I received an Outstanding Award and the Minister of National Defense Award in the Ministry of National Defense Startup Challenge. Currently, I am in the process of patent application related to this project.

ADDIT(애딧) - 블로그 · 커뮤니티를 위한 사이트 스크랩 도구

Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.

You can see demo video.